You should find below all the information about the cookies we use and their functions.

We use cookies and other similar technologies, such as HTML5 storage and shared local objects, to understand your preferences and to tailor our website to your needs. We also use Google Analytics in this context; therefore, the use of cookies is also possible.

(1) Functions and Uses of Cookies

  • Like most websites, our website uses cookies to collect information. Cookies are small data files that are placed on your computer or other devices (such as smartphones or tablets) as you browse our website. They help us remember when your computer or device accesses our website. They also allow us to remember whether you are logged in to the site and what items you had in your shopping bag. Cookies are essential for the effective operation of our website and help you shop with us online. They are also used to tailor the products and services offered and advertised to you, both on our website and elsewhere.
  • By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies. However, you have the right to navigate our website without cookies. In other words, you can oppose the use of cookies at any time by adjusting the corresponding settings on your device. To do this, please proceed as follows:
  • Most browsers are programmed to automatically accept cookies. You can change these settings by activating the Accept no cookie setting in your browser.
  • You can delete cookies already present on your device at any time.
  • The opposition to the use of cookies or their deletion is linked, like their use, to the device and browser used. Therefore, you have to make the opposition to the use of cookies or their deletion on each of your devices, and in the case of multiple browsers, for each one of them.
  • If you decide to oppose the use of cookies, it may impact some features provided on our website.

We use the following types of cookies:

Functional Cookies

These cookies ensure the proper functioning of website features. We also use a cookie to collect and record your consent to the use of cookies while browsing.

Statistical Cookies

These cookies allow us to establish statistics on the use of our web pages and to detect navigation issues to monitor the quality of our services.

We aim to adapt the content of our web pages in the most targeted way possible to your areas of interest and thereby improve our offerings for you. To understand the preferences of users and identify the most popular sections, we use the Google Analytics analysis tool.

(2) Data Transmission to the United States

If these analysis tools are used, data may be transmitted to servers located in the United States for processing. Please note that the United States does not have an “appropriate level of protection” for processing personal data as prescribed by EU standards. However, this level of protection can be substituted for certain companies by certification under the “EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.”

(3) Opting Out of Data Collection

If you do not want us to collect and use information about your visit to our web pages using the above-mentioned analysis tools, you may object to this in the future at any time (“opt-out”).
We will respond to your objection by inserting an opt-out cookie in your browser. This cookie is used exclusively to identify your objection. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie can only be used with the browser in which it has been installed. If you delete cookies or use another browser or device, you will need to activate the opt-out option again.

(4) Information on Analysis Tool Providers


Google LLC. (“Google”):

Google is EU-U.S. Privacy Shield certified.

You can oppose the transmission of your data, as well as their storage and processing by Google. Google will inform you about this via the following link: